With +20 Years Of Experience as a Holding group.
Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Andes and Amazon, our story begins with a profound respect for the land, the people, and the nourishment it provides. Guided by our commitment to quality and authenticity, we have been embarked for more than 20 years as a holding group, on a mission to share the goodness of Peruvian quinoa with the world.
As you explore our quinoa offerings, you are not just savoring a superfood; you are indulging in centuries of wisdom, passion and nourishment.
Colorexa USA Corporation
USA – Head Office
810 S.E 8th Ave. Suite C. Deerfield Beach,
FL 33441 – USA
+ 1 818 705 9497
Production Plant
Av. Los Alamos MZ.i lt.8, Puente Piedra
15116, Lima – Peru
Warehouses in the USA
Modesto, CA
New Jersey
Kearny, NJ